Sunday, February 24, 2008

Irresistible Impulse

I liked this one a lot. We meet Tranh, the Vietnamese guy who becomes a big part of the Karps life. He is probably one of my favorite characters. Turns out in this book, Lucy is about in the third grade, so that was cool. I thought this one was really good. I think we begin to see a heightened strain on Butch and Marlene's relationship. The stories are complex. This is a good series, and this book is no different. A review of my casting:
Butch Karp - Edward Burns
Marlene Ciampi - Maybe Marisa Tomei?
Lucy Karp - varying ages, although the true test will be who plays her when she gets a little older
Zik and Zak - doesn't matter at the moment
Harry Bello - Bruce Willis in his 16 Blocks outfit
Guma - Paul Giamatti
Roland Hrcany - still working on it, maybe Hulk Hogan?
VT Newbury - Edward Norton
Tranh - Jet Li
Clay Fulton - Morgan Freeman
That'll do for now, I suppose.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Falsely Accused

Falsely Accused, by Robert K. Tanenbaum
By to the Karps, and this was a good one. Lucy is moving into her own right as a character here. We see bits of her connection to "Sister Theresa" which gets fleshed out later. We also begin to see her ability with languages. Marlene begins her new career as a supporter of downtrodden women/security-type/enforcer. And Butch does his private case that results in his being reinstated back into the DAs office. We all see a good bit of the reporter Ariadne Stupenagel. This is another good one with several seemingly disparate plots that get woven together into the same conencted story. An old device for Tanenbaum, but one I like. And, this book did not disappoint. I liked it a lot.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Breakpoint, by Richard A. Clarke
I did not like this one much. It was a bit of a technolgical, future-scare thriller. It even included a bit at the end that it was meant to be predictive of what could happen in the near future (the book is set in 2012, I think). That's not really my cup of tea, but fine, I trudged through it, but I did not think it was very well written. It was confusing and not fast enough for a pulp fiction book. It was dense and not charming or funny at all. There was no character that I felt particularly drawn to. Oh well.